Feedback & Bug Reports
Thank you for playing Fields of Mistria! Your feedback is invaluable to us. Whether you've spotted a bug or just want to share your general feedback, we invite you to use the form below to submit a report. Although our team cannot support responses to individual submissions, reports will be reviewed regularly as we look to fix issues and improve the game for all of our players.
Patch notes will feature a 🌼 emoji whenever the change is based on community feedback!
Before submitting a bug report, please take a look at the below to see if it resolves your issue.
🌱 Fields of Mistria is running slow on my computer. What can I do to fix it?
First, please check that your system meets the minimum system requirements outlined on the bottom of our Steam Page. If it does, please start by updating your graphics card driver. It's very common to have out of date drivers, and updating them can really make a difference to the performance of your games!
If you still have an issue, it's possible that your system is choosing the wrong graphics card when running the game. This tends to happen on laptops in particular. You can take the following steps to ensure the correct graphics card is being chosen:
Step 1: Search for "Graphics Settings" in your system's search bar
Step 2: Look for the dropdown that says "choose an app to set preference" and browse to select Fields of Mistria. After choosing the app, click "options".
Step 3: By default, the game may be set to either "Let windows decide" or "Power-saving". Instead, please select "High performance".
After making these changes, please try to run the game and see if it solves the slowdown!
If the above steps do not help this issue, please go to your in-game settings menu, navigate to "Display" and try unchecking "VSync". On some systems, this may help the issue. Please note, however, that turning off VSync may introduce stuttering or screen tearing issues depending on your system.
We will continue to optimize the game over time, so if your issue persists, please fill out the report form and share more information about your performance issue and your system details.
🌱 My game seems to lag when it rains, is there anything I can do?
If your slowdown issues seem to be tied to rainy days, you can try turning down the number of particles by navigating to the settings menu. Once there, navigate to "Accessibility" and try adjusting "Weather Particle Strength".
🌱 I don't want to click repeatedly to use my tools. Is there anything I can do?
Yes! Controls are rebindable from the settings menu. Under "Controls" look for "Tool Use (Repeated)" and bind to your preferred button, key, or mouse click. Please note that you may also need rebind "Tool Use (Charged)" if you do this, as holding the left mouse click is the default way
to charge upgraded tools.
🌱 Help! I got stuck somewhere on the map!
If you get stuck somewhere on the map, please navigate to your settings under "Accessibility" and select "Move to Free Location" to teleport to a free valid tile on the map. Of course, over time we
hope to eliminate conditions where such an issue can occur, so we encourage you to report the issue if you encounter it.
🌱 My game crashes any time I try to open it or load a save, what can I do?
A small number of players have reported this type of crash after losing power during saving. If the game is crashing if you open it or try load a save, it may be caused by a corrupted save. In this situation, you may consider deleting your saves and settings.
PC instructions to delete all of your saves and settings:
1. Press WINDOWS + R
3. You may need to navigate from "roaming" to "local"
4. Delete "FieldsOfMistria"
5. Run the game again
🌱 Do you have any general tips or tricks?
Here are a few tips that you may find helpful!
Archaeology spots can be dug up with either a pickaxe or a shovel. Both work!
Fishing rods can be purchased from Terithia's tackle shop at the beach.
Use shift+click to move items quickly from your inventory to your storage chest or shipping bin!
You can adjust the direction of the scroll wheel in the settings menu, under "Controls".
Use a pickaxe on a piece of furniture if you want to remove it. The item will pop so that you can store it or place it in another location.
To upgrade your inventory, a larger bag is available at the General Store.
You can use the throw button to throw items, and they will persist in the world (except in the mines)! This can be helpful if your inventory is full but you don't want to trash an item to make space.
Remember that you have a storage chest in your house! Depending on the kind of day you want to have, choose which tools you'd like to bring. For example, if you're not planning on collecting lumber you don't need to bring your axe.
​Additional Troubleshooting topics may be added over time based on player feedback.
To submit a Bug Report, please fill out this Bug Report form.
To submit General Feedback, please fill out this General feedback form.
Thank you so much!​​